Thursday, February 17, 2011

Work in progress

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day. I had an amazing dinner on the 15th since the 14th including taking girl 1 to gymnastics class. It was nice getting out of the house and J and I having a little time to relax.

I really had a plan last weekend to get some sewing done. It was a great plan but never happened. I started playing donkey kong country returns and wasted a very nice sewing day. Kids had a blast playing though, which was nice since they have all been sick. Fevers max out at about 103 with girl 1 getting it the worse, little man was second and girl 2 is just starting her turn. It's been a long week plus but I think (hope) we are getting over this round.

The weekend before I did get some nice work done on the girls quilts. Little man's should be quite quick so the girl's quilts needed a head start.
Girl 2's blocks (purple is her favorite color)

More blocks!

Some more blocks ready!  
Now looking at the blocks with some stashing fabric choices.
Girl 1's blocks (pink is her favorite color)

 These four patch blocks have been fun to put together.  It was my first time doing four patches and I must say they are quite easy and make a great beginners block.  My sister even got in on this project and sewed the purple four patches!  I'm not sure I'm a good teacher but I think a bit of the quilting bug has entered her.

Don't forget tomorrow is Friday Night Sew In.  I plan to work more on these quilts, do my Feb. block of the month and I'm also hoping to make some more 1/2 square triangles for another exchange!  We'll see how work goes and then how the kids and I feel.  I know I'll at least get some of that done, not quite sure I'll be able to get it all done. 


  1. Very pretty! These quilt blocks are very pretty.

    Angie -

  2. Angie
    Thanks for stopping by. I do love how these quilts are turning out and I hope to very soon have them completed.
